Left to right--Ginnie, Carrie Carrie, Little Carrie, Lee, Steve, Jessie (Suzie Q in arms) and Sarah
...Goat Lady Dairy...
My final day,
It is Memorial Day. On the farm it is like every other weekday. The goats don't take a day off for a holiday, so we've got milk to process and turn into cheese. No rest for the weary.
Exactly one year ago, Jim and I were in
I spent the day working in the cheeseroom as per usual. We made camembert and crottin. I took the lead making the cheese which made me happy. I can feel my confidence building. I am cutting the curds with more assurance and less hesitation. It is gratifying to see the right size curds bobbing in the whey as while they are getting ready to be scooped up and tossed into moulds. I really like making cheese.
I went to Sammy's this evening to see him milk the goats. Actually, Joel, Sammy's landlord was milking the goats. (Sammy calls him Jewel.) Sammy was milking the cows and then came over to feed the goats and say hello. I love watching him with the animals. He adores the kids and the mothers. They love him back and give him nuzzles. Some of the milkers are huge girls. They look really healthy and well fed. Some of them are giving over a gallon of milk per milking. That's a lot for a goat.
Sammy and I chatted about goats, goat milk, the Tates, and his future plans for the farm. He's got a lot of irons in the fire, I have no idea how he keeps up with everything. That's why he's so skinny. He doesn't have time to eat.
I'm going to miss Sammy. He's quite a character. He was one of the first people I got to know around here. I'm glad I spent my last evening with him.
Thanks for sharing all this. It has really been a treat to read.
I love sharing my experiences with you. It also helps that I only get three channels on TV and can write without distractions. No DSL on the farm, either.
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